Shaker Heights, Ohio

Protected Territory: The map below shows a radius of 5 miles around the center of Shaker Heights, Ohio. This is an area under consideration for development, where a Click IT Store may be located.

Using the interactive map below is a quick and easy way to gauge prospective Click IT customers inside this area. Click on a category in the left column of the map to see who in that category is within 5-miles of this location.

Note about Map's Limits: When you click on a category in the left column, the map limits the maximum results to 20 and so no more than 20 locations will show per category. This is because Google Map's API used in this application charges now after a maximum amount of calls to its servers are reached. We limit the results to 20 to keep costs down. A future version of this application will have a method for easily seeing more results without incurring additional costs.

Note: Once a location for opening a Click IT store has been determined, if the population around a radius of 5 miles (the "Protected Territory") exceeds 150,000 residents and 3,000 businesses, the Initial Franchise Fee will increase by $30 per additional 1,000 residents and $50 per additional 100 businesses. If the franchise candidate does not desire to service the expanded territory, fewer census tracks will be selected around the perimeter of the location to lower the population of the protected area so that it is more manageable and under 150,000 residents and 3,000 businesses. Please refer to for more information. (Prices are subject to change without notice.)

[show_nearby_places place_id='13']