New Store Concepts

When looking for an appropriate space, one must have a good imagination to picture what a rental property could potentially look like when converted to a Click IT Store. To help, Click IT will work with you, the new franchise owner, to develop your store design that complements Click IT's brand while working to satisfy any realty restrictions (in signage and awnings, for example) that might limit what is allowed. At Click IT, we can make nearly any space within our set parameters work. The most important feature of any new location is that it is highly visible and provides easy access from a large-enough and active demographically-attractive area. At Click IT, we will help you select the best location as well. (See Tools Used to Evaluate Locations.)

Below is an example of how Click IT is working with a new franchise owner to help convert a western-style salon retail space (with some imposing restrictions but in a great location), into a new Click IT store. (Click here to view store build-out items.)

Computer repair franchise business opportunities
Illuminated Click IT Computers Sign

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